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Community Sponsor (exclusive to SSHD businesses)

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South Street Fest is an all day celebration of our vibrant entertainment and commercial corridor, but we shine 24/7/365! Help us build community while also promoting your business by becoming a Community Sponsor. This tier is exclusive to South Street Headhouse businesses only.

May be purchased for promotional purposes only OR in conjunction with a SSHD Vending Space*.  Benefits include:

● Premiere Placement (*when purchased with a SSHD Vending Space from the SSHD categories below)
● Logo on all South Street Fest printed advertising and promotional posters (subject to print deadlines)
● Logo and link on all South Street Fest email blasts, newsletters, and website
● Shout out on social media leading up to the fest and "Thank you" sponsor recap video (1M+ reach across all platforms)
● Tags on all South Street Fest social media posts, logo on social media announcement materials (1M+ reach across all platforms)

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